Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ka'ena Point, Oahu

I've looked at this park for a while, wanting to try it out one of the times we visit Aulani at Ko'olina. I've read a few warnings about mud puddles, long hot walks, and dangerous cliffs, but still I wanted to try it!
Welk, they weren't kidding about the mud puddles!
Even this guy was concerned! 
This is a 4X4 trail, or walking/biking. 
The park is at the very end of the Farrington Hwy, on the far West point of Oahu. You can. Also access the park from the north side, on a different trail, but since we were at Aulani, it made sense to go west.
The drive is not too long, maybe 30 mins if the traffic is "normal". The highway takes you through beach towns, with the pounding surf on your left, and miles of run down looking houses and businesses across from the beaches. Behind the town's, in the distance, are high mountains eroded by the rains that fall here in winter.
Just before you arrive at the trail head, there is a small lot with rest rooms, decently clean, and usable. Use them; you are in for a long walk!
But you don't have to walk that far. We went for 2 geocaches, and walked about 2 kms all together. That took us to some beautiful vistas of cliffs and pounding surf!
And if you are as lucky as I am, you might catch a glimpse of this multicolored beauty!
Even from the parking lot, the views are great.
Lush mountains and fields, breaking waves, and mud! Who could ask for more!

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